Do you know the top 5 of the main dental tourism destinations in Europe.?

dental tourism

Dental tourism refers to the movement of a patient to a third country to receive treatment there. In Europe, travel for treatment and cross- border care benefit from a legal framework. Medical mobility is therefore a basic right for all patients in order to receive treatment.

Dental tourism is developing especially in Europe, insofar as 95% of French dental trips are made to European destinations.

The harmonization of hygiene standards, common standards and the reimbursement of care are obvious reasons for the enthusiasm for this less expensive care. Cultural and geographical proximity also play an important role.

dental safety

The destinations of dental tourism in Europe correspond to a certain profile or a certain choice of treatment. There are indeed several types of dental medical tourism . To choose his destination, the candidate for care will therefore be keen to find out, compare and document his choice, in order to make the best possible decision.

There are generally 3 categories of countries that include the TOP 5 dental tourism destinations in Europe. Here they are in detail.

An undisputed leader in dental tourism: Hungary

For a long time, Hungary has been the main destination for dental tourism in Europe. Europeans flock there mainly for important dental treatments . Candidates for dental care in Hungary are looking for competence and the best value for money, mainly for their placement of dental implants.

If we look only at reimbursement requests made in France, almost a third of expenditure takes place in Hungary. The treatments carried out concern surgery and implants, but also prostheses and crowns.

Patients receive their dental treatment first and foremost in Budapest , a modern and recognized dental capital.

Dental trip to border countries: Spain, Portugal, Italy and Germany

Respectively positioned 2, 3, 4 and 5, dental tourism in Spain, Portugal, Italy and Germany primarily attract cross-border workers. This is also the case during holidays or in the context of family reunification. Or sometimes for retirement as is the case for many French people in Portugal (find out more about dental care and dental tourism in Portugal )

This is the reason why these destinations represent small treatments. The care provided is more supportive care. More rarely important dental treatments, although these destinations also represent an opportunity for complete rehabilitations.

Other dental tourism destinations

In total, 95% of the expenses tracked by the CNSE are made in a country of the European Union. Outside Europe, we do not have reliable data, since dental care is not reimbursed (apart from specific bilateral agreements).

Destinations like Tunisia or Morocco welcome dental tourists, but distance can be an obstacle. Turkey is also a popular destination (mainly with Arab countries), but the norms and standards sometimes differ from what can be seen in Europe. Although popular, dental tourism in Turkey in particular has come under criticism. Influencers with little regard are touting miracle aesthetic dental treatments.

How to choose a dental tourism destination?

French patients primarily prefer Europe. This choice relates not only to the quality and homogeneity of European standards, but also makes it possible to benefit from the reimbursement of dental care.

A group of five countries represents 75% of the dental expenses of French patients. These key dental tourism destinations in Europe are Hungary, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Germany.

Each candidate for care will take care to compare the care destinations to choose their country of preference.

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